Impact Fulfillment full service design center stands ready to meet or exceed all of your products supply chain requirements. Our engineering team will integrate your marketing concepts into any design from a standalone floor unit to multi-product display unit our team has the experience and design knowhow to incorporate your marketing designs into a fully functional store display. We will assemble a team that joins with your team in planning and designing your unit to satisfy both the graphic and functional design , or Impact Fulfillment can design the store unit independently, purchase all of the required materials, and proceed to build your store display with our seasoned assembly team. Either approach our ultimate goal is provide you with a fully functional store unit in as seamlessly a fashion as possible.
Structural Design
Impacts full service design center is ready to incorporate your merchandising needs into a fully functional store display unit. We design the unit, obtain all materials needed to build it, and finally, after production, we assure that your goods are provided with best in class delivery service, either to your clients DC, their storefront, or customers doorstep. You see, at Impact we provide all the solutions.
There are lots of display design companies that do a good job with corrugated, permanent, temporary and shelf displays. But Impact is much more than a mere display design company, because there is one truth in our industry: Great display manufacturers are not great fulfillment companies.
Your goal in outsourcing your most important promotional display programs is likely to involve securing partners who can create the most efficient and impactful solutions to your challenges. At Impact, we are that kind of unique partner, focused on fast turnaround, high throughput, and the ability to flex up and down as your schedule requires. The question is who you would rather have handling your product: a display company or a company that has the total expertise to efficiently build and fulfill your promotional initiatives across lots of different scenarios …
- Corrugated Plastic
- Store fixture
- Shelf displays
- Floor displays
- End caps
- Wing units
Graphic Design
Impacts display design team is ready to integrate your graphic design ideas into anything from a full pallet display to a point of purchase display to a standalone shelf unit. We apply the latest technologies available to help you succeed in today’s highly competitive store display arena.
Loss Prevention
Impact understands the value of building a loss prevention process into you products design. We have extensive knowledge in relation to theft deterrence tags and can incorporate RFID or sensor driven technologies into the design of your product without detracting from the esthetic shelf appearance of your merchandise.
Specific Controls
Impacts quality assurance team stands ready to assure a committed to effectively planning, implementing and maintaining a structured disciplined management system that effectively facilitates, and continually improves on our ability to consistently deliver quality products to our diverse customer base. Our management philosophy reinforces and sustains this commitment through continuing efforts to achieve and maintain the consistency of products, dependability of performance, flexibility and adaptability to change, and always maintain our focus to provide our clients a competitive advantage in service, quality, and price.